UK Gay News informa que el primer Día del Silencio realizado el sábado pasado en tres ciudades de Rusia , St. Petersburg, Novokuznetsk y Yaroslavl fue un éxito a pesar que dos de los participantes en la marcha de St. Petersburgo fueron asaltados y en Novokuznetsk un grupo de skinheads atacaron a los participantes.

UK Gay News informa que el primer Día del Silencio realizado el sábado pasado en tres ciudades de Rusia , St. Petersburg, Novokuznetsk y Yaroslavl fue un éxito a pesar que dos de los participantes en la marcha de St. Petersburgo fueron asaltados y en Novokuznetsk un grupo de skinheads atacaron a los participantes. En St. Petersburg las autoridades alprincipio habían dado permiso para una demostración pública por el Día pero el permiso fue revocado unos pocos días antes del evento. Ante esta situación los organizadores redefinieron sus planes y realizaron protestas individuales en el Parue Chrenyshevskiy, ya que las protestas individuales no requieren de permiso. El sábdo, durante dos horas permanecieron parados, con las bocas cubiertas por una cinta adhesiva, en silencio , con un cartel que decía "Guardo silencio porque quiero ser oido". También repartieron volantes explicando el motivo de su acción.
Diez policías resguardaron a los que protestaban y todo transcurrió sin incidentes hasta que, terminada la protesta, dos de los participantes fueron atacados por un grupo de tres asaltantes. Igor Petrov, uno d elso rganizadores del "Día del Silencio" e Ignat Fialkovskiy, secreatario d eprensa del Festival de Cine Gay Lésbico "Lado a Lado" , fueron patados y resultaron con hematomas y magulladuras que requirieron de tratamiento médico. Ellos hicieron una denuncia formal ante la policía.

(Day of Silences participants in Novokuznetsk)
(Noticia ampliada por Trans_Bitacora)
(The News extended by Trans_Bitacora)
(Новости расширенные Trans_Bitacora)
English: http://dayofsilence.lgbtnet.ru/index_en.html
The Day of Silence in Russia: Post-Release
On May 3, for the first time in Russia, rallies dedicated to the International Day of Silence took place in the cities of St. Petersburg, Novokuznetsk, and Yaroslavl.
The International Day of Silence is an annual action of nonviolent protest that started in the US in 1996 and in Europe in 2007 and is dedicated to the problem of silencing the discrimination, emotional harassment, violence, hate crimes, and intolerance based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This year, the International Day of Silence took place in the USA, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, and the Netherlands and was dedicated to the memory of Lawrence King, a 15-year old California 8th-grader who was shot and killed in February of this year by his 14-year old classmate because he was gay. In Russia, the Day of Silence took place on May 3.
In St. Petersburg, the Day of Silence was held in the form of a series of individual rallies from 12 to 2 pm in the Chernyshevskiy Park. The rally participants, their mouths taped shut, took turns to put on a banner entitled "I am silent to be heard" and hand out flyers to the passerby. The rally had 25 participants, people who decided to take a public stand on the issue. The rallies took place in accordance with the Russian legislation - individual rallies do not require preliminary approval by the authorities.
The Day of Silence was completed at 2 pm by a Breaking of Silence event in the form of mass applause and cheering, symbolizing that the wall of silence would be brought down. After the completion of the event, the rally participants walked to the metro station Ploschad Vosstaniya, escorted by a militia (Russian police) vehicle.
Unfortunately, the event did not go without some negative incidents. Already after the end of the rally, as the participants were heading for a caf?, the executive director of the Russian LGBT Organization Network and the co-organizer of the Day of Silence in St. Petersburg Igor Petrov and the press secretary of the International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival Side by Side Ignat Fialkovskiy were attacked by three strangers. Fortunately, the activists got away with only a couple of bumps and bruises that were confirmed at a trauma center, and the fact of the attack was reported to the militia.
The Day of Silence on May 3 also took place in Novokuznetsk and Yaroslavl in the form of a "flash mob." The Novokuznetsk event had 20 participants, volunteers who joined thanks to an invite sent through social networks. Despite the bad weather, the "flash mob" was a success - many citizens received flyers explaining why the issue of silencing is relevant and what consequences it has. This event also did not go trouble-free - the "flash mob" participants were attacked by a group of skinheads, one young man was injured.
The organizer initiative group from Yaroslavl reports that 9 people took part in the "flash mob"; the participants divided into groups of 2-3 people and headed in different directions. Only a few people reacted negatively to the offered flyers; they were three young men who, per their own words, turned out to be Nazis, and one very religious old woman. All in all, more than 600 flyers were distributed by the Day of Silence participants in Yaroslavl.
Despite the fact that the actual participants of the events held in the three cities were not very numerous, the organizers consider the Day of Silence in Russia a success. We were able to achieve the most important thing - the word about the problem of emotional harassment and violence, discrimination and intolerance based on sexual orientation and gender identity reached many people, while the attacks on the participants of the event in St. Petersburg and Novokuznetsk confirmed the relevance of the problem.
We would like to stress one more time that it was important for the organizers of the Day of Silence in Russia to hold the event in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and to ensure maximum safety for the event participants, which was achieved.
The organizers of the Day of Silence in Russia would like to thank all the event participants, as well as those who provided informational support, and those who believe that positive changes in Russia are possible.
The Day of Silence Organizers in Russia:
The Russian LGBT Network (lgbtnet.ru);
"Nuntiare et Recreare" Ministry (nuntiare.org);
Youth Initiative LGBT-Group in St. Petersburg, Novokuzneck, Yaroslavl.
Contact Info:
The Official Site for the Day of Silence in Russia: http://dayofsilence.lgbtnet.ru/index_en.html
E-mail: ejik2000@gmail.com .
The authorities of St. Petersburg have unexpectedly changed their decision and will not approve the mass rally dedicated to the International Day of Silence
As was already reported, the city's LGBT community members will hold an event on May 3, from 12 pm to 2 pm, in the Chernyshevskiy Park, dedicated to the International Day of Silence. The organizers made a decision to somewhat alter the format of the event from that originally reported. The "Day of Silence" will take the form of a series of individual rallies. According to Russian legislation, individual rallies do not require preliminary notification of and approval by the authorities.
The decision to change the format was brought about by the Administration of the Central District of St. Petersburg having unexpectedly reversed its own decision to approve the mass rally. On April 30, the organizers received an official letter, stating, in particular, that "due to an official function being planned by the Internal Affairs authorities on the territory adjacent to the Department of Internal Affairs of the Central District, in the Chernyshevskiy Park, it is not feasible to approve the public event on the requested site."
The first notification of the rally, initially planned to take place on the Malaya Konyushennaya Street on May 3, was submitted to the Administration of the Central District on April 24. On April 28 the event was denied, since "due to the celebratory activities of the 1, 2, and 3 of May in the center of the city, a large gathering of people, both city inhabitants and visitors, is expected, and the rally would interfere with the work to ensure safe and unimpeded passage of citizens and with the necessary anti-terrorist activities by the law enforcement authorities." Later in its response, the Administration itself suggested to move the event to the Chernyshevsky Park. At the time, there was no mention of any "official function" at the site. Neither was it mentioned on the morning of April 29, when the rally organizers were handing over the notification of agreement with the Administration's suggestion. Moreover, the organizers were given verbal assurance that everything was OK and that there wasn't and wouldn't be any problem with approval of the rally.
The event organizers and participants never wished nor currently wish to enter into any conflict with anyone. The "Day of Silence" in St. Petersburg is going to take place in full accordance with the active legislation. We want to draw attention to a problem that is important for all of society. Anyone can fall victim to violence and harassment due to being "different" from others, because every one of us is individual in his or her own way.
Sometimes to be heard, you have to be silent.
The Day of Silence Organizers in St. Petersburg:
The Russian LGBT Network (lgbtnet.ru);
"Nuntiare et Recreare" Ministry (nuntiare.org);
Youth Initiative LGBT-Group.
Contact Info:
The Official Site for the Day of Silence in Russia: http://dayofsilence.lgbtnet.ru/index_en.html
E-mail: ejik2000@gmail.com (Polina)
What are YOU going to do to end the silence? International Day of Silence
The Day of Silence is dedicated to the issues of discrimination, emotional harassment, and violence against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) people. This is an annual action of nonviolent protest that started in the US in 1996, and in 2007 was extended to Poland and Slovenia. This year, the International Day of Silence will take place on April 25 in the US and Europe. On May 3, the Day of Silence will take place in Russia for the first time, and will be dedicated to the problems of discrimination and intolerance towards LGBT, as well as ethnic, religious, and other minorities.
These issues are no less relevant to modern Russia than they are to the Western nations. In recent years, the number of hate crimes based on ethnicity or religion has been growing. Periodically, isolated reports of hate crimes against LGBT people appear in mass media, whereas in reality these crimes are tens if not hundreds of times more numerous. Harassment and bullying at educational institutions of children that are “different” is a fact shrouded in shamed silence yet ever-present.
The Day of Silence in Russia is an action targeted at the general population and intended to draw people’s attention to the problems of silencing hate crimes, discrimination, and intolerance. It is an opportunity to demonstrate that these problems concern not “other” people somewhere else, but us directly - our families, our loved ones, our friends.
The Day of Silence will take place in St. Petersburg on Sunday, May 3, 2008. It will take form of a rally under the title “Day of Silence” and the motto: SOMETIMES TO BE HEARD YOU HAVE TO BE SILENT.
The action participants, their mouths taped shut, will give out flyers and other informational materials to the passersby, without commentary.
Support the Day of Silence by taking a daylong vow of silence to represent the silence faced by minorities. All depends on your skills and creativity to plan and organize, but absolutely, THE SILENCE SPEAKS VOLUMES.
Let us know about your actions, events, and organizing!
RUSSIA: www.dayofsilence.lgbtnet.ru
POLAND: www.dzienmilczenia.blox.pl
SLOVENIA: www.mladiprotihomofobiji.blogspot.com
THE NETHERLANDS: www.dayofsilence.hyves.nl
USA: www.dayofsilence.org
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Polina: ejik2000@gmail.com (Russia)
Kaska Chojnacka: kasiek@poczta.neostrada.pl (Poland)
Fabian Von Gelder: ikbendusfabian@hotmail.com (Netherlands)
Yanssen Borges: yanssen@msn.com (USA)
Russian: http://dayofsilence.lgbtnet.ru/index.html
Международный День Молчания посвящён проблемам дискриминации, морального и физического насилия. Это ежегодная акция ненасильственного протеста, проходящая с 1996 года в США и с 2007 года в Европе. 3 мая этого, 2008 года, День Молчания впервые проходит в России.
Проблемы дискриминации, морального и физического насилия, отсутствия толерантности и замалчивания преступлений на почве ненависти актуальны для современной России не менее, чем для Западных стран. В последние годы растет количество преступлений, совершаемых на почве национальной, религиозной вражды. Периодически в средствах массовой информации появляются единичные сообщения о преступлениях ненависти против людей негетеросексуальной ориентации, но в реальности этих преступлений больше в десятки, если не в сотни раз. Травля "не таких" детей в образовательных учреждениях - то, что стыдливо замалчивается, но присутствует повсеместно.
Видео-отчёт о Дне Молчания в Петербурге, Новокузнецке, Ярославле
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