
Estados Unidos: Maltrato y abuso policial generalizado de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero en todo el territorio nacional
Comunicado de web.amnesty.org-. Un nuevo estudio de Amnistía Internacional concluye que las lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero de la comunidad negra y el sector de los jóvenes son los que tienen más probabilidades de sufrir ese trato. La organización pide a la policía que mejore su formación y rendición de cuentas.
Los policías no vienen aquí a servirnos, sino a que les demos servicio [...] cada noche me llevan a un callejón y me dan a elegir entre practicar sexo o ir a la cárcel.
Entrevista de Amnistía Internacional con una persona transgénero, Los Angeles
Nueva York. – En el informe más completo publicado hasta la fecha sobre este asunto, Amnistía Internacional revela que el maltrato y abuso de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero por parte de la policía es una práctica generalizada en todo el país y prácticamente pasa inadvertida debido a la escasez de denuncias y a políticas y procedimientos poco claros, defectuosamente aplicados o inexistentes.
"En todo el país, lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero soportan las injusticias de la discriminación, la incitación a cometer delito y los insultos, así como palizas brutales y agresiones sexuales, a manos de las mismas personas que tienen la obligación de protegerlos: la policía –ha manifestado William F. Schulz, director ejecutivo de la Sección Estadounidense de Amnistía Internacional (AIUSA)–. Algunas personas, incluidas personas transgénero, negros y jóvenes, sufren este trato de manera desproporcionada, principalmente cuando, a causa de la pobreza, quedan expuestos a la falta de hogar y la explotación, y tienen menos posibilidades de atraer la atención de la opinión pública o suscitar la inspección de los organismos oficiales. Es un panorama lamentable que la policía utilice indebidamente sus facultades para causar sufrimiento en lugar de prevenirlo."
En el extenso informe publicado por Amnistía Internacional, con el título Stonewalled: police abuse and misconduct against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the United States, la organización se centra en cuatro grandes ciudades – Chicago, Los Angeles, Nueva York y San Antonio –, hace una encuesta sobre los 50 departamentos de policía más importantes del país, así como Washington, D.C., respecto a políticas y prácticas relativas a lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero, e incluye información obtenida a partir de varios cientos de entrevistas y declaraciones testimoniales. Las conclusiones de la organización indican de manera inequívoca que existe un patrón reforzado de conducta indebida y abusiva de la policía contra los individuos transgénero y todas las lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero de la comunidad negra, los jóvenes, los inmigrantes, las personas sin hogar y los trabajadores sexuales. En ocasiones, la mera suposición de que alguien es gay o lesbiana da pie a insultos o agresiones físicas.
El maltrato y los abusos documentados en el informe incluyen la aplicación selectiva y discriminatoria de leyes y normas contra las lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero, incluidos los códigos sobre moralidad y "calidad de vida"; el uso de "perfiles", especialmente aplicados a mujeres transgénero que ejercen el sexo como profesión; los insultos; los tocamientos inapropiados y los registros corporales; la desprotección de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero en los calabozos; la respuesta insuficiente o nula a las llamadas por delitos basados en el odio o abusos en el ámbito familiar; el acoso y el abuso sexual, incluidas violaciones; y las agresiones que, en ocasiones, constituyen tortura y malos tratos. Estos son algunos ejemplos:

En San Antonio, unos agentes de policía acusaron de robo a una mujer transgénero de origen latino. Según informes, un agente dijo: "Personas como tú hacen que este mundo sea un mal lugar". Parece ser que tres agentes de policía y dos detectives la rodearon mientras otro agente la registraba, dejando a la vista su vello púbico, sus nalgas y uno de sus pechos. Ella dijo: "No pedí que me registrara una mujer agente. Ya lo he intentado otras veces; les da igual, para ellos somos hombres". No la acusaron de ningún delito. Los agentes se negaron a darle su número de placa. Ella dijo: "Sé mostrarme respetuosa con los agentes de policía, pero estoy cansada de la forma en que nos tratan."
Unos agentes de policía presuntamente golpearon, ataron de pies y manos y arrastraron por el pavimento a Kelly McAllister, mujer transgénero de raza blanca, tras detenerla en Sacramento, estado de California. La encerraron en un calabozo de la Prisión Central del Condado de Sacramento junto a un individuo que la golpeó, estranguló, mordió y violó. Aquel recluso simplemente fue condenado a tres meses de cárcel. No se han tomado medidas disciplinarias contra ningún agente por los sucesos que rodearon el encarcelamiento de Kelly.
Dos lesbianas de raza negra informaron de que dos hombres de Brooklyn (Nueva York) las siguieron, acosaron y amenazaron, diciéndoles: "Te voy a matar, puta. Tú no eres un hombre [...] Te voy a poner en tu sitio". Fueron elevando el tono de los insultos hasta pasar a la agresión física; las dos mujeres llamaron por teléfono a la policía. Cuando ésta tuvo conocimiento de que se trataba de un delito homófobo, los informes indican que no investigó más el suceso ni cursó una denuncia, y dijo a los tripulantes de la ambulancia que había acudido a la llamada de las mujeres que se marcharan. Según informes, una de las mujeres sangraba por la cabeza debido a un golpe que le había dado uno de los individuos. Su compañera afirmó: "Fue grotesco. Ella corriendo por toda la calle sangrando, persiguiendo a la ambulancia."
Una mujer transgénero de la comunidad india americana informó de que dos agentes de policía de Los Angeles la esposaron y la llevaron a un callejón. Según informes, uno de los agentes la abofeteó y le dijo: "eres una puta asquerosa, maricón de mierda", luego la tumbó con violencia en la parte trasera del vehículo patrulla, le arrancó la minifalda y la ropa interior y la violó, mientras la forzaba a no moverse y le tiraba del pelo. Parece ser que el otro agente también la violó. Según la mujer, después la tiraron al suelo y le dijeron: "Ya tienes lo que te mereces" y la dejaron allí.

Amnistía Internacional acogió con agrado las iniciativas de varios departamentos de policía para mejorar sus prácticas. La comisaría de West Hollywood, del Departamento del Sheriff de Los Ángeles, cuenta con una Comisión de Expertos sobre Gays y Lesbianas que está abierta al público y permite que la policía esté en permanente contacto con asuntos relativos a esta comunidad. La ciudad de West Hollywood también estableció un Grupo Especial sobre Personas Transgénero que se ocupa de cuestiones relativas a la actuación policial. En Washington, D.C., la Unidad de Enlace sobre Gays y Lesbianas está formada por cuatro agentes con dedicación exclusiva y diez voluntarios, y el jefe de la unidad, el sargento Brett Parson, informa directamente al jefe de policía. Esta unidad participa también en iniciativas de formación dentro del departamento de policía.
No obstante, el informe de Amnistía Internacional demuestra que, pese a iniciativas como éstas, los departamentos de policía de todo el país tienen que hacer más esfuerzos para proteger a lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero, y esto se refleja en las respuestas a la encuesta realizada por la organización sobre políticas y prácticas policiales respecto a lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero. De los 29 departamentos que respondieron a la encuesta, sólo el 31 por ciento da instrucciones a sus oficiales sobre cómo registrar a una persona transgénero; dos tercios (66 por ciento) de los departamentos informaron de que imparten formación sobre delitos basados en el odio contra lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero; y, aunque la mayoría de los departamentos forman a sus agentes en relación con la agresión sexual (86 por ciento), alrededor de la mitad (52 por ciento) no incluyen cuestiones específicamente relacionadas con lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero.
"Se contratan agentes de policía para proteger y servir a todos los miembros de la comunidad, no sólo a quienes consideran merecedores de sus servicios" afirma Michael Heflin, director del programa OUTfront de AIUSA, centrado en los derechos humanos de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero. "Todo ser humano sin excepción tiene derecho a vivir sin sufrir discriminación y abusos; sin embargo, lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero de todo el país tienen miedo a denunciar delitos basados en el odio u otros abusos a la policía, cuyos agentes resultan en ocasiones ser los propios agresores. Si no podemos contar con que los cuerpos encargados de hacer cumplir la ley den ejemplo, los delitos basados en el odio y la discriminación seguirán prosperando en un país que, en otros aspectos, ha abierto la brecha relativamente en la lucha por los derechos de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero."
Según el derecho internacional, todas las personas, con independencia de su orientación sexual o su identidad o expresión de género, tienen derecho al máximo disfrute de sus derechos civiles, políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales. Estados Unidos es Estado Parte en el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, principal tratado internacional que establece derechos fundamentales como el de no ser sometido a detención y reclusión arbitrarias ni a torturas o tratos crueles, inhumanos o degradantes, así como en la Convención contra la Tortura y la Convención sobre la Eliminación de Todas las Formas de Discriminación Racial.
Si desean más información pónganse en contacto con Wende Gozan, +1 212 633 4247, o con Ben Somberg, +1 212 633 4268.
Documento público
Si desean más información pónganse en contacto con la oficina de prensa de Amnistía Internacional en Londres, llamando al número + 44 20 7413 5566, o visiten http://news.amnesty.org . Para los documentos y comunicados de prensa traducidos al español consulten http://web.amnesty.org/library/eslindex
Más información caso Kelly McAllister en Extraído de AMNISTÍA INTERNACIONAL
Índice AI: AMR 51/142/2005 – Público (En este Blog)
Amnesty denounces the U.S.A. by police abuse transsexuals/transgender´s
, lesbians and gays, greater measurement to transsexuals/transgender´s
, lesbians and gays, greater measurement to transsexuals/transgender´s
The United States: I mistreat and transgénero police abuse generalized of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people in all the national territory Official notice of web.amnesty.org -. a new study of Amnesty International concludes that the lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero of the black community and the sector of the young people are those that have more probabilities of undergoing that treatment. The organization requests to the police that improves its formation and surrender of accounts. The police do not come here to serve to us, but to that we give to service [ them... ] every night take me to a alley and they give me to choose between practicing sex or going to the jail.
Interview of Amnesty International with a transgénero person, Los Angeles New York. - In the most complete report published to date on this subject, Amnesty International it reveals that I mistreat and abuse of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero on the part of the police is a practice generalized in all the country and it practically passes due to the shortage of denunciations and to policies and clear procedures little, defectively applied or nonexistent inadvertent. "In all the transgénero country, lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people they support the injustices of the discrimination, the incitación to commit crime and the brutales insults, as well as beatings and sexual aggressions, at hands of the same people who have the obligation to protect them: the police - William F. Schulz has declared, executive director of the American Section of Amnisti'a Internacional (AIUSA) -.Some people, including people transgénero, black and young people, undergo this treatment of out of proportion way, mainly when, because of the poverty, they are exposed to the lack of home and the operation, and have less possibilities of attracting the attention of the public opinion or to provoke the inspection of the official organisms. It is a lamentable panorama that the police uses its faculties illegally to cause suffering instead of preventing it."
In the extensive report published by Amnesty International, with the Stonewalled title: police abuses and misconduct against lesbian, gay, bisexual and to transgender people in the United States, the organization is centered in four great cities - Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and San Antonio -, makes a survey on the 50 more important departments of police of the country, as well as Washington, D.C., with respect to policies and practices relative to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero, and includes data obtained from several hundreds of interviews and testimonial declarations. The conclusions of the organization indicate of unequivocal way that a reinforced pattern of illegal and abusive conduct of the police against the individuals transgénero and all the lesbians exists, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero of the black community, the sexual young people, immigrants, people without home and workers. Sometimes, the mere lesbian supposition of which somebody is gay or gives to foot to insults or physical aggressions.
I mistreat and the abuses documented in the report include the selective and discriminatory application of laws and norms against the lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero, including the codes on morality and "quality of life"; the use of "profiles", specially applied to women transgénero who exert sex like profession; the insults; the unsuitable tocamientos and the corporal registries; the desprotección of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero in the jails; the insufficient or null answer to the calls by crimes based on hatred or abuses in the familiar scope; the harassment and the sexual abuse, including violations; and the aggressions that, sometimes, constitute torture and bad treatments. These are some examples:Young people gays and defenders of their cause in Chicago informed to AIUSA on a policeman that, according to a man, "took off the plate, the weapon and the belt and struck to you until you did a felation to him; later he left you peacefully."
In San Antonio, policemen accused of robbery a transgénero woman of Latin origin. According to information, an agent said: "People since you they cause that this world is badly a place". It seems to be that three policemen and two detectives surrounded it while another agent registered it, leaving their púbico hair, their rumps and one of their chests at sight. She said: "I did not request that it registered a woman to me agent. It I have already tried other times; it gives them equal, for them we are men ". They did not accuse it of any crime. The agents refused to give their number him of plate. She said: "I know to show to me respectful with the policemen, but I am tired of the form in which they treat to us."
Policemen presumably struck, tied of feet and hands and dragged by the pavement to Kelly McAllister, transgénero woman of white race, after stopping it in Sacrament, state of California. They locked up it in a jail of the Central Prison of the County of Sacrament next to an individual that struck it, he strangled, he bit and he violated. That inmate simply was condemned three months of jail. Disciplinary measures against any agent by the events have not been taken that surrounded the imprisonment by Kelly. Two lesbians of black race informed into which two men of Brooklyn (New York) followed them, harassed and threatened, saying to them: "I am going to You to kill, puta. You are not a man [... ] I am going to You to put in your site ". They were elevating the tone of the insults until happening to the physical aggression; the two women called by telephone to the police. When this one had knowledge about which homophobia was a crime, the information indicate that it did not investigate plus the event nor it attended a denunciation, and said to the crew of the ambulance that had gone to the call of the women who left. According to information, one of the women bled by the head due to a blow that had given one him of the individuals. Her companion affirmed: "He was grotesco. She running by all the street bleeding, persecuting to the ambulance."
A transgénero woman of American the India community informed into which two policemen of Los Angeles handcuffed it and they took it to a alley. According to information, one of the agents slapped it and it said to him: "you are one puta revolting, excrement fag", soon knocked down it with violence in the back part of the vehicle patrols, took the miniskirt to him and the underclothes and violated it, while it forced it not to move and it threw to him of the hair. It seems to be that the other agent also violated it. According to the woman, later they threw it to the ground and they said to him: "you already have what you deserve yourself" and they left it there.
Although it is impossible to collect precise statistical data, the study of Amnesty International demonstrates that the people transgénero, specially if they are smaller women or, suffer of out of proportion way. According to information, a great percentage of the people transgénero lacks use or has one I infuriate, reason why this sector of population more is exposed to remain without home or to propitious situations to the scrutiny and the police abuse. In spite of it, the 72 percent of the police departments that responded to the survey of Amnesty International showed that they did not have a concrete policy on the form to treat the people transgénero. Amnesty International welcomed with affability the initiatives of several departments of police to improve its practices. The police station of West Hollywood, of the Department of the Sheriff of the Angels, counts on a Commission of Experts on Gays and Lesbianas who is open to the public and allows that the police is in permanent contact with subjects relative to this community. The city of West Hollywood also established a Special Group on Transgénero People who take care of questions relative to the police performance. In Washington, D.C., the Unit of Connection on Gays and Lesbianas are formed by four agents with exclusive dedication and ten volunteers, and the commander of the unit, sergeant Brett Parson, informs directly to the police head. This unit also participates in initiatives of formation within the police department.
However, the report of Amnesty International demonstrates that, in spite of initiatives like these, the departments of police of all the country must deliver more attacks to protect lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero, and this is reflected in the answers to the survey made by the organization on policies and police practices with respect to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero. Of the 29 departments that responded to the survey, only the 31 percent gives instructions to their officials on how registering a transgénero person; two thirds (66 percents) of the departments informed into that distribute formation on crimes based on hatred against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero; and, although most of the departments they form to his agents in relation to the sexual aggression (86 percents), around half (52 percents) specifically do not include questions related to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgender´s.
"policemen contract themselves to protect and to serve all the members as the community, not only to those who they consider deserving of his services" affirms Michael Heflin, director of the OUTfront program of AIUSA, trim in the human rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero. "All human being without exception must right to live without undergoing discrimination and abuses; , lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people nevertheless transgénero of all the country are scared to denounce crimes based on hatred or other abuses to the police, whose agents sometimes turn out to be the own aggressors. If we cannot count whereupon the bodies in charge to enforce the law give example, the crimes based on hatred and the discrimination will continue prospering in a country that, other aspects, the breach relatively in the fight by the rights of lesbians has opened, gays, bisexuals and people transgender´s."
According to the international right, all the people, independently of their sexual direction or its identity or expression of sort, have straight to the maximum enjoys their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. The United States is Been Part in the Pact the International of Civil and Political Rights, main international treaty that establishes fundamental rights like the one of not being put under arbitrary halting and imprisonment nor tortures or cruel, cruel or degrading treatments, as well as in the Convention against Tortura and the Convention on the Elimination of All Formas de Racial Discriminacio'n. If they wish more information pónganse in contact with Wende Gozan, +1 212 633 4247, or with Horseradish tree Somberg, +1 212 633 4268.
Public document
If they wish more information pónganse in contact with the press office of Amnesty International in London, calling to number + 44 20 7413 5566, or visit http://news.amnesty.org/ For documents and official notices of press translated the Spanish they consult http://web.amnesty.org/library/eslindex
Interview of Amnesty International with a transgénero person, Los Angeles New York. - In the most complete report published to date on this subject, Amnesty International it reveals that I mistreat and abuse of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero on the part of the police is a practice generalized in all the country and it practically passes due to the shortage of denunciations and to policies and clear procedures little, defectively applied or nonexistent inadvertent. "In all the transgénero country, lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people they support the injustices of the discrimination, the incitación to commit crime and the brutales insults, as well as beatings and sexual aggressions, at hands of the same people who have the obligation to protect them: the police - William F. Schulz has declared, executive director of the American Section of Amnisti'a Internacional (AIUSA) -.Some people, including people transgénero, black and young people, undergo this treatment of out of proportion way, mainly when, because of the poverty, they are exposed to the lack of home and the operation, and have less possibilities of attracting the attention of the public opinion or to provoke the inspection of the official organisms. It is a lamentable panorama that the police uses its faculties illegally to cause suffering instead of preventing it."
In the extensive report published by Amnesty International, with the Stonewalled title: police abuses and misconduct against lesbian, gay, bisexual and to transgender people in the United States, the organization is centered in four great cities - Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and San Antonio -, makes a survey on the 50 more important departments of police of the country, as well as Washington, D.C., with respect to policies and practices relative to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero, and includes data obtained from several hundreds of interviews and testimonial declarations. The conclusions of the organization indicate of unequivocal way that a reinforced pattern of illegal and abusive conduct of the police against the individuals transgénero and all the lesbians exists, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero of the black community, the sexual young people, immigrants, people without home and workers. Sometimes, the mere lesbian supposition of which somebody is gay or gives to foot to insults or physical aggressions.
I mistreat and the abuses documented in the report include the selective and discriminatory application of laws and norms against the lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero, including the codes on morality and "quality of life"; the use of "profiles", specially applied to women transgénero who exert sex like profession; the insults; the unsuitable tocamientos and the corporal registries; the desprotección of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero in the jails; the insufficient or null answer to the calls by crimes based on hatred or abuses in the familiar scope; the harassment and the sexual abuse, including violations; and the aggressions that, sometimes, constitute torture and bad treatments. These are some examples:Young people gays and defenders of their cause in Chicago informed to AIUSA on a policeman that, according to a man, "took off the plate, the weapon and the belt and struck to you until you did a felation to him; later he left you peacefully."
In San Antonio, policemen accused of robbery a transgénero woman of Latin origin. According to information, an agent said: "People since you they cause that this world is badly a place". It seems to be that three policemen and two detectives surrounded it while another agent registered it, leaving their púbico hair, their rumps and one of their chests at sight. She said: "I did not request that it registered a woman to me agent. It I have already tried other times; it gives them equal, for them we are men ". They did not accuse it of any crime. The agents refused to give their number him of plate. She said: "I know to show to me respectful with the policemen, but I am tired of the form in which they treat to us."
Policemen presumably struck, tied of feet and hands and dragged by the pavement to Kelly McAllister, transgénero woman of white race, after stopping it in Sacrament, state of California. They locked up it in a jail of the Central Prison of the County of Sacrament next to an individual that struck it, he strangled, he bit and he violated. That inmate simply was condemned three months of jail. Disciplinary measures against any agent by the events have not been taken that surrounded the imprisonment by Kelly. Two lesbians of black race informed into which two men of Brooklyn (New York) followed them, harassed and threatened, saying to them: "I am going to You to kill, puta. You are not a man [... ] I am going to You to put in your site ". They were elevating the tone of the insults until happening to the physical aggression; the two women called by telephone to the police. When this one had knowledge about which homophobia was a crime, the information indicate that it did not investigate plus the event nor it attended a denunciation, and said to the crew of the ambulance that had gone to the call of the women who left. According to information, one of the women bled by the head due to a blow that had given one him of the individuals. Her companion affirmed: "He was grotesco. She running by all the street bleeding, persecuting to the ambulance."
A transgénero woman of American the India community informed into which two policemen of Los Angeles handcuffed it and they took it to a alley. According to information, one of the agents slapped it and it said to him: "you are one puta revolting, excrement fag", soon knocked down it with violence in the back part of the vehicle patrols, took the miniskirt to him and the underclothes and violated it, while it forced it not to move and it threw to him of the hair. It seems to be that the other agent also violated it. According to the woman, later they threw it to the ground and they said to him: "you already have what you deserve yourself" and they left it there.
Although it is impossible to collect precise statistical data, the study of Amnesty International demonstrates that the people transgénero, specially if they are smaller women or, suffer of out of proportion way. According to information, a great percentage of the people transgénero lacks use or has one I infuriate, reason why this sector of population more is exposed to remain without home or to propitious situations to the scrutiny and the police abuse. In spite of it, the 72 percent of the police departments that responded to the survey of Amnesty International showed that they did not have a concrete policy on the form to treat the people transgénero. Amnesty International welcomed with affability the initiatives of several departments of police to improve its practices. The police station of West Hollywood, of the Department of the Sheriff of the Angels, counts on a Commission of Experts on Gays and Lesbianas who is open to the public and allows that the police is in permanent contact with subjects relative to this community. The city of West Hollywood also established a Special Group on Transgénero People who take care of questions relative to the police performance. In Washington, D.C., the Unit of Connection on Gays and Lesbianas are formed by four agents with exclusive dedication and ten volunteers, and the commander of the unit, sergeant Brett Parson, informs directly to the police head. This unit also participates in initiatives of formation within the police department.
However, the report of Amnesty International demonstrates that, in spite of initiatives like these, the departments of police of all the country must deliver more attacks to protect lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero, and this is reflected in the answers to the survey made by the organization on policies and police practices with respect to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero. Of the 29 departments that responded to the survey, only the 31 percent gives instructions to their officials on how registering a transgénero person; two thirds (66 percents) of the departments informed into that distribute formation on crimes based on hatred against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero; and, although most of the departments they form to his agents in relation to the sexual aggression (86 percents), around half (52 percents) specifically do not include questions related to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgender´s.
"policemen contract themselves to protect and to serve all the members as the community, not only to those who they consider deserving of his services" affirms Michael Heflin, director of the OUTfront program of AIUSA, trim in the human rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people transgénero. "All human being without exception must right to live without undergoing discrimination and abuses; , lesbians, gays, bisexuals and people nevertheless transgénero of all the country are scared to denounce crimes based on hatred or other abuses to the police, whose agents sometimes turn out to be the own aggressors. If we cannot count whereupon the bodies in charge to enforce the law give example, the crimes based on hatred and the discrimination will continue prospering in a country that, other aspects, the breach relatively in the fight by the rights of lesbians has opened, gays, bisexuals and people transgender´s."
According to the international right, all the people, independently of their sexual direction or its identity or expression of sort, have straight to the maximum enjoys their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. The United States is Been Part in the Pact the International of Civil and Political Rights, main international treaty that establishes fundamental rights like the one of not being put under arbitrary halting and imprisonment nor tortures or cruel, cruel or degrading treatments, as well as in the Convention against Tortura and the Convention on the Elimination of All Formas de Racial Discriminacio'n. If they wish more information pónganse in contact with Wende Gozan, +1 212 633 4247, or with Horseradish tree Somberg, +1 212 633 4268.
Public document
If they wish more information pónganse in contact with the press office of Amnesty International in London, calling to number + 44 20 7413 5566, or visit http://news.amnesty.org/ For documents and official notices of press translated the Spanish they consult http://web.amnesty.org/library/eslindex